Athletes Foot Treatment, Home Remedies, Cream | Athletes Foot During Pregnancy

November 01, 2017

Athletes Foot Treatment, Remedies, Cream and Pregnancy

Finding athlete's foot treatment and remedies when you are suffering from this common fungal skin infection called by its medical name tinea pedis is important since it is easily treatable by various methods. Athlete's Foot can be incredibly itchy and uncomfortable and can spread to other parts of the body including the groin.

There are many effective home remedies and natural treatments that can help control and cure athlete's foot. However if your athlete's foot is severe or doesn't respond to these natural treatments or over-the-counter medicine a doctor may have to prescribe topical medication or oral medication to treat it.

Athlete's foot is caused by mold-like fungi called saprophytes. This fungal growth infects the superficial layer of skin. In response to this the body produces more skin cells at the basal layer and this causes the skin to become thick and scaly as the cells push to the surface.

These athlete's foot organisms thrive in a moist damp environment. That's why heavy socks and tight shoes in conjunction with human sweating perspiration is the perfect condition for athlete's foot fungus infection to grow and multiply.

So what are some of the athlete's foot treatments you can consider?
  • Over-the-counter athlete's foot creams. If used correctly and sufficiently these work well. You must follow the application instructions over the suggested time period.
  • Athlete's foot powders these work well because it keeps the feet dry and targets the infection.
  • Athletic sandals Use these to prevent athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is contagious so wearing a pair of sandals in a locker room or common shower area will allow feet not to come in contact with the fungus.
  • Some natural remedies include tee tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, and Listerine to name a few. Read more about these alternatives in the page about Athlete's Foot Home Remedies.

Athletes Foot Home Remedies | Effective Athletes Foot Home Remedies

Because athlete’s foot is such a common problem that people experience, there are a number of over-the-counter medications which can take care of the problem rather quickly.

There are a number of issues that go along with taking these medications, which range from the fact that they only kill the weaker fungus and at times, allow a stronger fungus to continue in the area to the issues with the chemicals that are involved. Whenever you put something on your skin, it is readily absorbed into the body and any of these chemicals are going to go directly into your bloodstream.

That is why many people are looking for effective athletes foot home remedies and fortunately, there are a few that you can try.

Tea Tree Oil For Athlete’s Foot Treatment

One of the most popular types of athlete’s foot home remedies is the use of tea tree oil. This particular oil has been used for many years and is widely prized for its anti-fungal properties. You can spread the oil liberally on your feet and especially in between your toes, where the athlete’s foot tends to reside.

Tea Tree Oil For Athlete’s Foot

If you are using tea tree oil, you should expect some relief rather quickly but you'll need to keep up the treatment for quite some time in order to see permanent results.

Tea Tree Oil is the primary oil vapor distilled from the petals and concluding branch lets of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. This tree is native to Australia and simply grows in a comparatively small area in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia.

For many years, the Aborigines should use the antibacterial properties of Tea Tree Oil. It has been revealed to be several extra times effective than another antiseptic like hydrogen peroxide, phenol, chlorhexidine, also quarter nary ammonium mixtures. In the athlete’s foot treatment video below, a natural way to eliminate athletes foot is to put thyme leafs in your socks.
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete’s Foot Treatment

Another one of the popular athlete’s foot home remedies is apple cider vinegar. In actuality, people use apple cider vinegar for a number of different problems and some people even take it in an effort to extend their life. It seems to be one of those natural cures that take care of almost anything, so by soaking your feet in a tub of hot water and apple cider vinegar, you may actually get some healing benefits as a result.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete’s Foot

A little word to the wise, however, make sure that you don't have too many open sores, as vinegar can sting a little bit whenever applied to open skin.

From that, we are going to talk about one of the more bizarre athlete’s foot home remedies that you may want to try. Many people claim to be able to cure their athlete’s foot and to receive relief almost instantly by urinating on the area.

This is most commonly done in the shower, but it can also be urine that comes from a cup. Urine is sterile, and it has been known to have some natural healing properties, so if nothing else is working for you and you need immediate relief, it may just help.
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Although these are only a few of the athlete’s foot home remedies that are available, they seem to be some of the most popular and a number of people have claimed to receive permanent relief as a result of using them.
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If you're going to try to use something natural in order to treat a fungal infection, you can expect it to take a little bit of time before the infection goes away entirely. Keep up the treatment, even a little longer than you recognize the infection going away and you may just get rid of your athlete’s foot for good.

Athlete’s Foot Baking Soda Treatment

Did you know soaking your feet in baking soda and warm water for 30 minutes a day is a home remedy for athlete’s foot?
Try soaking your feet in baking soda and warm water for 30 minutes per day to eliminate athlete’s foot. Use the powder in your socks and shoes to keep feet dry.

You can find baking soda in grocery stores. Also putting baking soda powder in your socks will reduce moisture and keep your fee dry.

Athlete’s Foot Baking Soda Treatment

Athlete’s Foot Garlic Home Remedy Treatment

Did you know you can crush Athlete’s Foot by crushing garlic cloves and applying to infection?
If you are looking for a natural remedy to treat athlete’s foot, try garlic to treat athlete’s foot. Garlic has properties to kill athlete’s foot. Take several garlic cloves crush or mince and add olive oil.

Let sit for 3 days. You can also buy crushed garlic in a bottle from the supermarket Soak your feet in warm water, dry and then apply your garlic preparation twice a day until your athlete’s foot has disappeared.

Athlete’s Foot Garlic Home Remedy Treatment

Athlete’s Foot Listerine Treatment

Did you know cotton swapping Listerine on your feet is a home remedy for athlete’s foot?
Try eliminating athlete’s foot by cotton swapping Listerine on your infection once in the morning and once at night.

Surprisingly using Listerine to treat your athlete’s foot is effective and you should notice relief of your athlete’s foot very quickly.

Athlete’s Foot Listerine Treatment
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Athlete’s Foot Medication Treatment

Which Athlete’s Foot Medication Should I Use?

Athlete’s foot is a very common occurrence in many people and there are also a number of different ways for you to be able to treat it that work very effectively.

Athlete’s Foot Medication

The difficulty comes in deciding which athlete’s foot medication you should use and although it is a personal choice, there are some things that you should keep in mind whenever you're using one or the other.

The most common type of athlete's foot medication that is used is an over-the-counter spray or cream. Some of the more popular types include Tinactin and Lamisil, the latter of which is actually an oral medication. These are simply anti-fungal treatments which are effective, since athlete’s foot is actually a fungal infection.
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Many people enjoy using these over-the-counter medications as they tend to work rather quickly. There are a few side effects, however, that tend to be rather mild but you should still be aware of them. Some people are also concerned about putting chemicals on their skin that may or may not be harmful to them.

If you have a particularly difficult case of athlete's foot, there is some athlete’s foot medication that can be prescribed by your doctor. These prescriptions are typically taken orally and they are a stronger form of anti-fungal medication.

These are also commonly prescribed whenever an individual has diabetes and is dealing with athlete’s foot, as a simple case of athlete's foot can turn deadly in some cases because of problems with circulation that diabetics experience.

You may also want to try some kind of athlete’s foot medication that is from natural products. Although not actually a medication, it does work as one and some of these natural ingredients that are found in these medicines may have anti-fungal properties.

A good example of this is to tree oil, which has been known to be effective in the treatment of fungal infections, including athlete’s foot. Other natural treatments would include apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
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If you are using athlete’s foot medication and it does not seem to be affecting the problem at all, you may actually be dealing with something other than athlete’s foot. Some common conditions, such as psoriasis, can cause a similar looking problem to athlete’s foot and it may need to be diagnosed by your doctor in order to find an effective treatment for it.

It may also be possible that you are dealing with a secondary bacterial infection which is a common occurrence whenever the athlete’s foot has been allowed to go on for too long. If that is the case, you will need to take an antibiotic along with any athlete’s foot medication that you may be taking.

The most important part about taking medication for athlete’s foot or for any other condition that you may have is that you finish the entire course of the medication. Even if the athlete’s foot should happen to clear up, make sure that you go for the duration as there still may be some fungus, even though it is not enough to cause an outbreak of athlete's foot.

Athlete’s Foot Toenail Infections Treatment

Athlete’s Foot Toenail Infections and What to Do about Them 

There are a number of different types of athlete’s foot problems that you may be dealing with. The most common type of athlete's foot is found in between the toes and it may be associated with cracking or peeling skin, along with an itching or burning sensation.

Athlete’s Foot Toenail Infections

Athlete's Foot Moccasin Infections Treatment

Another type of athlete's foot, known as moccasin type athlete's foot is visible on the sides or the bottom of the feet. A less common type is athlete’s foot toenail infections and these can either occur on their own or they may be associated with another type of athlete's foot.

Athlete's Foot Moccasin Infections

As with any type of fungal infection, you are going to need to take some kind of medication in order to get relief from athlete’s foot toenail infections. It is important for you to realize, however, that it may not be the fungus that causes athlete's foot which is also causing the toenail infection.

Other types of fungus can also cause similar types of infections and all of them will cause the nail to discolor, thicken and in some cases, peel away from your foot altogether.

It is important for you to treat athlete’s foot toenail infections whenever you first recognize the problem and not to wait until the problem becomes so severe that the toenail falls away. There are some over-the-counter medications which are available for treating athlete’s foot toenail infections but you may need to go to your doctor in order to get something that is strong enough to handle it.
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He will be able to make a diagnosis or to send part of the toenail away to a laboratory in order to find out for sure what type of fungus is causing the problem.

Some of the treatments that may be available for athlete’s foot toenail infections would include oral medications that are prescribed by your doctor, or perhaps a toenail polish which is put onto the affected area. A combination of these two things may also be recommended by your doctor in order to have the most effect on the infection.
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It is also important to treat any secondary infections that may occur, such as a bacterial infection if the fungus has been allowed to grow to that extent.

While you are dealing with athlete’s foot toenail infections, it is important for you to isolate the nail from your other nails if at all possible.

This type of fungus is easily spread in between your toenails and even, in some cases, to your fingernails. It is also important that you limit your exposure to areas which would cause additional infections to occur, such as communal showers.

Once the toenail infection has cleared, make sure that you do what is necessary in order for it not to return again. This would include keeping your feet dry, changing your socks regularly and making sure that your shoes are sprayed with an anti-fungal medication. By doing these things, you will ensure that you do not have the problem again.

Athlete’s Foot Lamisil | Athlete’s Foot Lamisil Treatments

Whenever you are suffering from athlete’s foot, you have a number of different options that are available to you as far as which treatment you're going to use.

These can vary widely from over-the-counter drugs to prescription medications and even natural treatments which many people favor over the use of pharmaceuticals. For simple athlete's foot, one of the most common things that is used are athlete’s foot Lamisil treatments.

How is this used and what can you expect whenever you use it?

Lamisil is a topical ointment or cream which is spread on the infected area one or two times every day. It does not sting and typically, does not have an odor which is overpowering whenever you use it.

Athlete’s Foot Lamisil Treatments
You Can Buy Now Whenever you use athlete’s foot Lamisil treatments, you should begin to notice some relief almost immediately and it should clear up within just a few weeks. It is important that while you are using Lamisil that you don't confine the area by wearing tight fitting footwear or any type of footwear that would not allow the skin to breathe properly.

Along those same lines, it is a good idea for you to wear something on your feet that is going to allow the moisture to wick away so that you're not giving an area where the fungal infection can get a foothold again.

If you have been taking athlete’s foot Lamisil treatments for a few days and did not notice any difference, it might be possible that you are dealing with something other than a fungal infection. Trying to treat a bacterial infection or perhaps another common problem, such as psoriasis with an anti-fungal medication is not going to do any good at all.
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If you suspect that you may have another type of problem, see your doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis and so that you can know exactly what type of medicine you should be taking.

Another precaution that needs to be taken whenever you are on any type of athlete’s foot Lamisil treatments is if you happen to be pregnant. Anything that you put on your skin is going to be readily absorbed into your bloodstream and you should be very careful about putting chemicals onto your skin whenever you are pregnant.

Speak your doctor before using any type of pharmaceutical over-the-counter treatment for athlete’s foot. This is also true if you're nursing a child, and it is unsure as to whether the Lamisil may be passed through the mother's milk to the baby. In these cases, it is usually better to be safe than sorry.

If you're taking Lamisil, make sure that you take it for the entire recommended duration of up to four weeks. You may notice that the infection has gone down to the point where it is not even recognizable any longer but it may still be present. Continue to take the medication for the recommended time and you will have a much better chance of not getting the infection again.

Athlete’s Foot on Hands

It is possible for athlete’s foot to spread to the hands. It is not as common but can happen. If it does the fungus is referred to as tinea manuum. If athlete’s foot does spread to the hands it can often be misdiagnosed.

Athlete’s Foot on Hands

Initially the athlete's foot of the hands may look like a rash. It is often accompanied with a raised circle and a clearing section featuring ringworm.

Athlete’s foot of the hands can be adjusted by infected beings and soil too. Symptom of athlete’s foot of the hands can include peeling, itching, burning sensations, and dry and cracking skin.

Prevention of athlete’s foot of the hands includes washing and cleaning hands. Keep your hands dry. Wear gloves when gardening and working with animals and soil.

Treatment for outbreak of athlete’s foot on the hand may require a doctor's attention and they will probably prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication which is much stronger than the athlete’s foot cream that you buy at the drugstore.

Along with that oral prescription, you may be given an antibacterial prescription if you have a bacterial infection along with the fungal infection.

The fungus that causes athlete’s foot actually puts out an antibacterial chemical, but it only kills the weaker bacteria that may be in the area.

A bacterial infection that goes along with a fungal infection is often very strong and a prescription may be necessary in order to combat it effectively.

Athlete’s Foot and Pregnancy

What Should I Do about Athlete’s Foot & Pregnancy? 
Pregnancy can be one of the most wonderful times in a woman's life and the expectation of bringing a new life into the world is something that many of us enjoy during that time.

Athlete’s Foot & Pregnancy

There are also a number of problems which can occur which are annoying, to say the least. A good example of this is athlete’s foot & pregnancy and although it is not a life-threatening situation, it certainly is something that the majority of us would like to get taken care of as early as possible.

Here is a little bit of information about it and some possible solutions for relief. The first thing that you should understand about athlete’s foot & pregnancy is that you should not be taking any over-the-counter medications without the direct consent of your OB/GYN or family doctor.

Although some people will disagree, most of the topical ointments and sprays that you would put onto your feet in order to treat this problem would be absorbed to a certain extent into the skin and entered directly into the bloodstream. Some of these chemicals may be dangerous for an unborn child, especially in the earlier stages of pregnancy.
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Don't use over-the-counter medication before it gets cleared for use by a medical professional.

If you have a little bit of time before you are scheduled to see your doctor, there are some natural treatments that may be able to help to give you some relief along the way.

A good example of a natural treatment that many people use is tea tree oil. Spread this on the skin liberally in the area of the infection and the anti-fungal properties in the tea tree oil will help to reduce the problem to a certain extent.

If the skin is not overly cracked and dry, you can also soak your feet in warm water with Epson salt or perhaps even apple cider vinegar. Be careful when doing this, as open sores can make this quite an uncomfortable experience.

It might also be possible that you are not dealing with the problem of athlete’s foot & pregnancy, as other problems that are common to pregnant women can mimic the athlete’s foot signs to a certain extent.

A good example of this is dehydration, and many pregnant women experience this regularly. Keeping yourself hydrated properly is not only important for keeping away dry skin and other conditions like this, it is also imperative for your overall health and for the health of your unborn child. Remember, we are made up primarily of water so make sure that you are giving your body what it needs in order to keep going.

One final thing that you should do is to make sure that you wash all of your shoes and socks in hot water in order to kill the fungus that may be inside of them. It might also be a good idea for you to pre-spray your shoes with an anti-fungal medication and then wash them. This will help to keep the fungus from getting out of hand and it will give your feet a chance to breathe while they are in the wash.

Athlete’s Foot Cream | Does Athlete’s Foot Cream Really Work?

If you are having trouble with your feet and you suspect that you have athlete’s foot, one of the things that you are going to find which claims to be able to take care of it is athlete’s foot cream.

Athlete’s Foot Cream

There are a number of different types of cream that you can use with some rather familiar names to those of us who watch television commercials regularly, such as Tinactin. Just how effective are these creams at treating the problem?

The first thing that you need to understand is that athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that is caused by a specific type of fungus, known as Tinea pedis. Any athlete’s foot cream is going to be an anti-fungal medication so it should be able to take care of this problem, or any other related fungal problem for that matter, such as ringworm or jock itch. Most times, you would put the cream on several times per day and you would begin to receive some relief almost immediately.

It is important for you to make sure that you are dealing with athlete’s foot before you apply any of the cream. There are several other problems which can cause similar conditions to athlete’s foot that are not a fungal infection at all.

A good example of this is psoriasis, a condition in which the skin matures much faster than it is supposed to, causing dry and cracking skin in various areas of the body. It would do you absolutely no good to apply athlete’s foot cream onto a psoriasis problem.

There may also be times whenever you need a little bit more than an over-the-counter athlete’s foot cream. One time whenever this may be the case is if you have a very severe outbreak of athlete’s foot or if you also have diabetes.
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Either of these may require a doctor's attention and they will probably prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication which is much stronger than the athlete’s foot cream that you buy at the drugstore.

Along with that oral prescription, you may be given an antibacterial prescription if you have a bacterial infection along with the fungal infection. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot actually puts out an antibacterial chemical.

But it only kills the weaker bacteria that may be in the area. A bacterial infection that goes along with a fungal infection is often very strong and a prescription may be necessary in order to combat it effectively.

Once the athlete’s foot cream does its work, you would want to avoid getting the problem again by using wise preventative measures. If you are in an area that breeds fungal infections, such as gymnasium showers, you would want to wear some kind of shower footwear so that your feet do not come in contact with the floor.

It is also a good idea to make sure that you clean your socks regularly and keep your feet as dry as possible, even allowing them to go without footwear on occasion. By doing these things, you will lessen your chances of having a fungal infection and needing athlete’s foot cream again.

Is Athlete’s Foot Contagious?

Athlete’s Foot Is Very Contagious

The best way to avoid Athlete’s Foot is to reduce the chances of getting the fungus. The athlete’s foot fungus is contagious and is found in warm, moist conditions. Therefore it is important to where sandals when in common showers and pool areas.

Here are some easy tips to avoid getting athlete’s foot...

  • Wear sandals in public pool areas, showers, etc.
  • Don't share or borrow someone's shoes.

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